- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on unresectable pancreatic cancer: a regional cohort study in Japan.
著者 : 鈴木 玲 掲載誌 : Fukushima J Med Sci - A classification using CRP and AFP in predicting survival of early- and intermediate-stage HCC treated with TACE.
著者 : 林 学 掲載誌 : Jpn J Clin Oncol - A Single Center Study of Genes Involved in Synchronous and Metachronous Multiple Early-Stage Gastric Cancers in Japanese Patients with Current or Former Helicobacter pylori Infection
著者 : 橋本 陽 掲載誌 : Cancers - A new preprocedural predictive risk model for post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis: The SuPER model.
著者 : 杉本 充 掲載誌 : eLife