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著者 : 杉本 充 掲載誌 : Exp Ther Med - A Case of Ulcerative Colitis with Acute Pericarditis after Dose Escalation of Mesalazine.
著者 : 和田 淳 掲載誌 : Intern Med - ERCP catheter or dilator? Which is best for fistula dilation following guidewire placement in EUS-guided transhepatic biliary drainage?
著者 : 杉本 充 掲載誌 : Scand J Gastroenterol - 難治性下痢症を呈し内視鏡検査から診断に至った肥満細胞白血病の1例
著者 : 和田 淳 掲載誌 : 日消誌 - N-glycosylation negatively regulates the expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in mouse macrophage.
著者 : 村上 舞 掲載誌 : Biochem Biophys Res Commun - Impact of Changes in Lifestyle and Psychological Factors on the Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Follow-up of the Fukushima Health Management Survey.
著者 : 高橋 敦史 掲載誌 : J Atheroscler Thromb - A Case of Patient with Atezolizumab-induced Encephalitis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
著者 : 大友 駆 掲載誌 : Intern Med - Primary biliary cholangitis
著者 : 高橋 敦史 掲載誌 : Lancet - Lymphadenopathy Tissue Sampling by EUS-Guided Fine-Needle Biopsy Contributes to Meeting the Conditions for Genomic Profiling.
筆頭著者 : 杉本 充 掲載誌 : J Clin Gastroenterol - Autoimmune Hepatitis with Metabolic Dysfunction-associated Fatty Liver Disease.
筆頭著者 : 高橋 敦史 掲載誌 : Intern Med - Visibility of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma under iodine staining on texture and color enhancement imaging.
筆頭著者 : 加藤 恒孝 掲載誌 : DEN Open - Long-term outcomes in patients with primary biliary cholangitis complicated with CREST syndrome.
筆頭著者 : 阿部 和道 掲載誌 : Sci Rep - A low baseline serum myostatin concentration is associated with poor clinical outcome in patients with primary biliary cholangitis.
筆頭著者 : 林 学 掲載誌 : J Gastroenterol Hepatol - A case of gallbladder neuroendocrine carcinoma complicated by ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome and resulting in rapid fetal outcomes due to sepsis
筆頭著者 : 佐藤 賢太郎 掲載誌 : Clin J Gastroenterol - Rectal implantation cyst successfully diagnosed using endoscopic myotomy and endoscopic ultrasonography.
筆頭著者 : 亀岡 英介 掲載誌 : Clin J Gastroenterol - Association between sleep duration and a new onset of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
筆頭著者 : 今泉 博道 掲載誌 : Intern Med - A case of a newly developed complicated cystic lesion in the liver
筆頭著者 : 林 学 掲載誌 : Journal of Medical Ultrasonics - Pull-back myotomy to prevent mucosal injury during peroral endoscopic myotomy for jackhammer esophagus
筆頭著者 : 中村 純 掲載誌 : Endoscopy - Circulating myostatin levels as a prognostic biomarker in patients with acute liver failure and late-onset hepatic failure.
筆頭著者 : 林 学 掲載誌 : Hepatol Res - Texture and color enhancement imaging improve visibility in photodynamic therapy for patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
筆頭著者 : 中村 純 掲載誌 : Dig Endosc - Coagulation with hemostatic forceps after endoscopic injection sclerotherapy in a pediatric patient with esophageal varices
筆頭著者 : 中村 純 掲載誌 : Dig Endosc - Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma complicated with varices successfully treated by endoscopic injection sclerotherapy and argon plasma coagulation: A case report. DEN Open. 2024 Feb 28;4(1):e348.
筆頭著者 : 渡邊 早百合 掲載誌 : DEN Open - Characteristics of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and potential related molecular mechanisms in patients with autoimmune hepatitis: a single-cell RNA sequencing analysis.
筆頭著者 : 阿部 和道 掲載誌 : Med Mol Morphol - Lifestyle factors affecting new-onset nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
筆頭著者 : 髙畑 陽介 掲載誌 : Prev Med Rep - Endoscopic membrane resection using a scissors-type knife in a pediatric patient with congenital duodenal membranous stenosis.
筆頭著者 : 中村 純 掲載誌 : Endoscopy - L-Menthol for Color Difference Change Between Early Gastric Cancer and Surrounding Mucosa: A Prospective Study.
筆頭著者 : 加藤 恒孝 掲載誌 : Dig Dis Sci.